Bullshit aside, this is absolutely one of my favourite words in the whole of the English language: it’s versatile and expressive and energy-efficient, packing a big punch with just one easy-to-utter syllable.
‘Wow’ of course was originally an interjection expressing wonder, amazement, as in ‘Wow!’ (that Facebook emoji you can click on to ‘react’ to a post)
In English you can use it as a word – as almost any part of speech. It’s incredibly versatile.
You can:
- Wow your clients
- Wow your prospects into buying your product
- Write books entitled The Wow Principles or How to Unleash the Elusive Wow Factor.
- Be so blown away by your cutting-edge new doodad that words fail you – it’s quite simply ‘the ultimate wow’.
But there’s more: wow has astounding derivational possibilities. You can
- Wowify your brand
- Make your clients’ jaws drop in absolute wowification.
- Ask your clients to rate the wowability of your products (on a scale of 0 to 10 where 0 = no wowability at all and 10 = off-the-charts wowability).
- Have – now we’re positively hyperventilating – wait for it – the greatest wowgasm of all time.
The A-Z of Bullshit, Hype and Cool Stuff is part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2016
2 Responses
Wowgasm??? Oh dear gawd… But apparently adding -gasm to anything works these days, too. This blog series: bullshit-wordgasm, anyone?
Yep. I have collected -gasm words.