In the late 1990s and early 2000s, I wrote for a number of magazines and guide books, about Spain in general and Barcelona and Catalunya in particular.
In The Garlic started life as a weekly column in the sister papers Costa Del Sol News and Costa Blanca News. More recently
I wrote a series of columns for the Barcelona Metropolitan looking back over 35 years in my adopted city. In 2010 I guest-blogged on the Spanish language for Macmillan Online Dictionary.
My first piece on the English language appeared in Verbatim Magazine back in the 1990s. A long piece on puns and paragrams, Words of a Feather, was published in March 2002 in The Vocabula Review.
I then went on to write a guest column, Love Your English, for this online journal between 2003 and 2005. Words of a Feather was featured in the anthology Vocabula Bound Vol 1 published in 2004 by Marion Street Press Inc.