From Awesome to Zeitgeist, you’ll be blown away by this no-brainer A to Z of buzzwords, hype and cool stuff.
Aka buzzword bingo. The fun game that makes business meetings borderline tolerable. I thought it was a joke, but people really do play it – and not just in corporate environments. (A retired schoolteacher friends tells me they played an education-optimised version at staff meetings).
You can download bingo cards here.
The A-Z of Bullshit, Hype and Cool Stuff is part of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2016
4 Responses
Ah, Buzzword Bingo. I’ve heard of it. We certainly could have played that during district inservice meetings when I was teaching.
Ah, love this! Brings back memories of working in an office with phrases like “blue sky thinking” and “pushing the envelope” thrown at us repeatedly. I could have done with one of those cards then. Around My Kitchen Table
Reswizzle! I love it. I always learn something from your fun blog.
HAH! I’ve totally played “lingo bingo” (as we called it) in dreaded staff meetings. We made up the gamecards ourselves because it had to be our particular and up-to-date acronym and buzzword hell.